Learning for Good | L&D Solutions and Leadership Development for Nonprofit Organizations

Make People Uncomfortable: How Your Nonprofit's Training Can Improve Behavior with Matt Gjertsen

June 10, 2024 Heather Burright, Learning and Development Leader, Leadership Development Consultant, Instructional Designer. Episode 85

Today’s guest is Matt Gjertsen, former Air Force instructor pilot and founder of Better Everyday Studios. He is giving us an outside perspective on behavior change and bringing some great insights to the nonprofit sector.

Why are we surprised when we want our learners to change something and they don't? 

Behavior change is a funny thing and even a simple change can feel very complex. We have to intentionally design for behavior change at every step in the process.

▶️ Make People Uncomfortable: How Your Nonprofit's Training Can Improve Behavior with Matt Gjertsen

▶️ Key Points:
05:19 The importance of focusing on behavior change in Learning and Development
09:50 The risk of not focusing on behavior change in Learning and Development
14:24 Deciding which behavior to focus on
17:51 Two things an L&D leader can do to make sure their training is creating behavior change
21:16 Getting as specific as possible with the behavior you're trying to change

Resources from this episode:
Take a look at these past episodes on behavior change:
▶️ Episode 16: Use THIS Process if You Want to Create Behavior Change with Training
▶️ Episode 32: 5 Coaching Questions to Spark Behavior Change in Your People Managers

Join the Nonprofit Learning and Development Collective: https://www.skillmastersmarket.com/nonprofit-learning-and-development-collective

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Connect with Matt
LinkedIn: Matt Gjertsen
Website: bettereverydaystudios.com

Connect with Heather
Linkedin: Heather Burright
Website: skillmastersmarket.com
Book an interest call with Heather here.


Learning for Good is the podcast for nonprofit leaders seeking practical L&D solutions. Hosted by Heather, an experienced consultant, we dive into leadership development, instructional design, change management, and staff management strategies tailored to nonprofit organizations.

Discover how to implement impactful learning solutions, foster belonging, and influence senior leaders. Each episode provides the tools you need to confidently navigate high-level conversations and drive meaningful change within your organization.

Let’s create lasting impact through innovative L&D solutions!

Produced by Ideablossoms